Thursday, 1 December 2011

Who is Fenton?

Everyone who owns a black labrador is in on this! Who is Fenton? The black labradour with a suffering "posh" owner who screamed "Jesus Christ" when it was obvious his dog was going to not only round up the deer in Richmond Park but he was going to chase them to the end.

My suggestion for what its worth is that they don't live in the park area. If they did someone would have earned a fortune from the press by naming them. By now probably the poor dog has had a name change. Mind you its earned the bright young man who took the film lots of dosh through YouTube.

Molly often chases deer when she gets the scent (see those above who she did go after when we surprised them) but she is so well behaved that when I shout at her - very loudly as she was in the zone - she stops and comes back.

You have to be on the ball as when a dog gets "in the zone" its totally deaf to any shouting, calling, or entreaties so you have to keep an eye out and as soon as they get into "chase mode" you have to know your dog to spot it - AND STOP IT.

Did you live nearish to Richmond Park? Did you have a visitor that weekend with a black lab?

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